There are 8 bedrooms at York Villas.
Young people with learning, physical and sensory disabilities stay here. Some young people who stay here also stay at home with their family this is called ‘shared care’.
At York Villas you will be supported by a staff team. There are 25-30 staff at York Villas. Staff work shifts - Mornings, Afternoons and Nights.
York Villas Statement of Purpose can be seen by all young people, just ask staff.
All young people to be treated with dignity and respect.
Be valued as an individual.
Expect to feel safe.
Be listened to and supported to express views, wishes and feelings.
Listen to music
Play in the garden
Sensory play
Arts and crafts
Spend time in their bedrooms
Trips to the seaside
Horse riding
Walks and picnics
Trip to the park
Trip to the library
- When school is open all the young people go to school
- We have regular mealtimes breakfast, lunch, tea and supper
- Young people usually have a bath or shower as part of their routine
- Most young people have a good night’s sleep and get up around 7am to get ready for school
- After school, on weekends and in the school holidays we go out on trips and do activities
- The staff do jobs around the unit like washing and cleaning; young people are encouraged to help to develop independence skills
We use different ways to communicate at York Villas we talk to peoples, use PEC Symbols, BSL, Makaton, social stories. It is important that all staff listen to your ideas about what you want at York Villas.
Claire from Barnardo's Advocacy visits the unit once a month to meet with the young people to talk about what is important at York Villas such as outings, menu choice, environment.
Young people have time with their keyworker.
- You will have your own bedroom when you come to stay at York Villas
- Your bedroom is somewhere you can put your special things in during your stay
- All staff at York Villas will make you feel very comfortable and happy in your new room
- You will be able to spend time in your bedroom during the day if you want to be alone or have time to chill out
It is the keyworkers job to:
- have a good link between York Villas, home and school
- write reports and attend meetings about your progress and future plans
- make your bedroom comfortable
- Keep your EHCP plan and other information about you up to date
Each young person at York Villas has a Placement Plan. The plan has lots of information about the young person. It is very important as it helps us care for you. This plan includes:
- Your contact details – family members, school, social worker
- Your individual Care Plan – this helps all the staff learn about all the day-to-day care and support you may need
- Your Achievement Plans- these will help you to learn new things and stay healthy
- Details of all your doctor appointments, any medication or special medical needs you might have
- Your individual Risk Assessments (which help us keep you safe)
- All the Information about you is treated as ‘confidential’, this means that only the people who care for you can see it
Independent Reviewing Officers (IRO's) go to your CIC review and help make sure you have everything you need. If you want to contact your IRO, you can ask a member of staff or your social worker. If you want to contact your social worker, you can call 01924 302124. If you are unsure, ask a member of staff to help you.