Useful numbers
SCD 0345 850 3503 CIC Team 01924 302195 Fostering Team 01924 302160
Read about all the work young people have been doing to make things better for Care Experienced people
Nominate your child for an Award at our 1st August Care4Us Awards
We are pleased to announce that our Care4Us Fun Day will return on Thursday 1st August 2024, 10am-3pm.
Our event is for 0–13-year-olds, but you, and all children and young people in your household are welcome to attend. If a young person in your household is from another local authority please let us know.
Between 12 noon-1.00 pm, we will have our Award Ceremony where we will be celebrating the efforts and achievements that young people have made over the last year. Every child/young person will be presented with an award.
We will need you to tell us what all the children/young people who will be attending with you have done well. This could fall under the following categories:
- Making good choices
- Working hard and doing well
- Giving it a go
- Being kind and helping others
- Sticking with it
Please note: - If these categories don’t seem to fit the child/young person, then please tell us a reason why we will be celebrating them at the Fun Day. We want everyone to be celebrated.
How to book & Nominate for an Award
To secure everyone’s place at the event please can you email us at with the following information before Thu 4th July 2024.
Carer’s Tel No
Preferred Email Address
Name(s) of other adults attending
Child’s Name
Child’s DOB
The child/young person’s achievement (in no more than 50 words)
Award Category
Making good choices
- Working hard and doing well
- Giving it a go
- Being kind and helping others
- Sticking with it
Any allergies or additional support requirements for the child/young person or carers
Social Worker’s Name
To ensure you don't forget to send us any important information, why not make note above and use this to refer to when emailing us.
If I can help in anyway please do not hesitate to contact me.
We would encourage you to take a picnic and take time around the event to enjoy the Sculpture Park
I can’t wait to see you there!
Many Thanks
R Stanley
Richard Stanley
Participation Worker for Care Experienced Young People