It’s natural to wonder what the future holds so here’s some information to let you know what support is available
Next Steps is the Leaving Care Service in Wakefield; the team are dedicated to supporting you onto independence. Support can be from age 16 up until 25 years. We want to ensure that you know that at 18, things may change for you as you become an adult, but this does not mean you are alone; there is support available from Next Steps and other people to help you to move onto independence and beyond.
We have gathered information and links to support you in various areas of your life, these include; keeping you healthy, relationships and leisure. Our offer to you ensures that we support you in all areas of your life and with your future goals.
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We understand that each young person has lots of potential and we want to make sure you have lots of opportunities to reach this potential. We appreciate and know it takes time, effort and support to help you to find what you want and what you need, we will help you find what you are good at and then support you to the best of our ability in removing any obstacles that you may face, so you can get to where you want to be in the future.
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We want to make sure that you are ready to move into your own accommodation successfully so we have a range of options for you to check where you are at with those skills you need. It is okay if you do not know the answers to these when you first start, none of us do, and we are learning all the time.
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As part of the support available to you, we have our temporary semi-independent accommodation where you have opportunity to work with an ISA, and gain independence skills, finding out what it is really like to independently. When we work together to review your Pathway Plan, we will look at your accommodation needs, and the steps you will need towards independence. We offer access to Intensive Support Advisers who are available to work with you in the semi supported accommodation to develop independence skills, and if you need out of hours support.
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We realise that living independently can be difficult and we want to ensure you have the support you need to live. Understanding where money comes from and what you can access can feel complicated, so we have put into place support about this.
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Staying Put is where a care leaver continues to live with their foster carer after their 18th birthday.
Staying Put- What does it mean? (PDF)
When you are 16+ your social worker will help you write your Pathway Plan.
Find out more about Pathway Plans