School is a really important part of your life; find out how to make the most of it

Listen to some children and young people talking about designated teachers
Top tips for going back to school
School is very important because it’s where you learn about subjects, growing up, making new friends and allows you to take part in activities and hobbies after school.
OK, sometimes you might find it boring BUT it can lead to great things. Your teacher will know that you have gone to live with a foster carer, but it is your choice if you want to tell other people.
If you have any problems, difficulties or are being bullied, you must tell your teacher, social worker or foster carer. Your foster carer will help you with homework, support you with any after school activities you want to do and will attend your parent’s evenings.
Ask if there is anything you don’t understand. If you think something is unfair—tell your social worker, they will help you work things out.
At your school, there will be a special teacher for children in care. You can talk to them or another teacher you like or trust.
They can make sure that any problems you have in school are sorted and can arrange for extra help and support for you, they won’t 'single you out' because you are in care – it's their job to help you get the best out of school.
The Children's University is a national programme which enables children to learn outside of school in a fun way. It is run by a charitable organization alongside schools and a wide variety of organizations that host activities and events.
Our local Children's University is hosted by Wakefield College.
Their main website is
Children's University at Wakefield College can be found on Facebook