Independence skills

Wakefield Council want to make sure that you are ready to move into your own accommodation successfully so we have a range of options for you to check where you are at with those skills you need. It is okay if you do not know the answers to these when you first start, none of us do, and we are learning all the time.

You will be given a skills assessment to complete with someone who knows you well, this will give your social worker and PA a good idea of what areas you need support with, and which you have a good understanding of; you might  be great at cooking, but find that you spend money easily, for example.

This information will be included in your Pathway Plan. It might be that you do the skills assessment more than once and from this you will be able to see the progress you have made in learning new skills.

You can also use a program called Get Ready for Adult life, this has more information and some tasks to complete, if you would like a copy of this, please ask your Social Worker or Personal Advisor, this can be sent online to do if that is easier.

Alongside these skill checkers, Next Steps will be starting a 12 week program of independence skills with other services. Each week will be spent looking at an area of independence. Examples of these are a session about money, budgeting and how to find the cheapest options; another is a DIY session with Engie. All the weeks are based on areas that young people have said they would like more information and support.

Please ask your PA if you would like to take part in this.