Build Our Futures Young People’s Accredited Training
BOF are running a training programme for children and young people in Wakefield to help us make a difference and have our say!
Let your participation worker, Rich know if you would like to take part in any of the following training:
Listening Training
Learn how to really listen and how to develop ways of helping people express themselves
Resilience Training
Learn and practice skills to help you feel good about yourself and bounce back from trauma.
Equality and Diversity Training
Challenge your own stereotypes, learn new ways of seeing life and celebrate difference.
Participation Training
Learn about the basic right to have your say. Develop skills in chairing meetings, making a difference and getting the best out of people.
Interviewing adults for jobs with children
Learn about selection and recruitment, questioning, assessment and deciding who is fit to work with children and young people.
Training adults to support children
Learn about presentation skills, co working, and challenging adults to give better support to children and young people.
Peer Mentoring
To do this training you need to have completed of all the other training.
Learn how to support your peers, advocate for them, help them find their voice, and keep yourself safe.
Restorative Approach Training
Learn how to breakdown and understand conflict so everyone can learn.