Take a look at Snowflake, by Rachel, a member of our Children in Care Council

Download the Mind of My Own App and share your good news with your Participation Worker

We want to help break down the barriers young people in care face.  Stereotypes of children in care are a challenge.

We have lots of successful young people in care in Wakefield and those that have left care to be successful adults. 

Why not share your story of your journey through care or tell us of an achievement you are proud of. If you write the story anonymously (give yourself a make-believe name in the story) then we can publish it on our website. A great way to inspire others to achieve.

Use the Mind of My Own One App to tell us your story

Download the app then use it to tell us your good news story and send it to your participation workersgood newa icon

During Lockdown we got to really know our foster carers and learned to make some amazing food! - DFood

I got offered an apprenticeship yesterday at the place i work.  I think it's going to be really enjoyable :> - S


I had a great day at school because I love to learn. In science I learned about amazing liquids, gases and solids. 
