Super Tiger helps children in care with their review books – he’s a helpful character. Super Tiger will help: Plan, Do and Review.
A review is a meeting where you and people who care about you (such as your carers and social worker) get together to look at how you are finding things since you went into care.
We want children and young people to have their say in their review because it can have many benefits for you:
- It can help to develop your confidence and a sense of achievement.
- It can make you feel valued and respected.
- It can bring about direct improvements in your own live such as getting a better service.
- It helps you learn how to be responsible.
The Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO for short) is the person who helps you plan your view and will make sure your views are taken seriously. You can talk to them in private about any worries before your review.
Meet the IRO Team
"Hi, my name is Paula and I am the Team manager for the Independent Reviewing Officers. We work with you and speak with lots of other people like families, teachers, nurses and police to make sure that we all help you with the things you might need."
"We arrange a meeting called a Review to talk about things like School, clubs, what you like to do for fun and places you like to go to. We also try to make sure that you see the people who are important to you, and make plans to help keep you safe, healthy and happy. We can also talk about any worries that you may have. Your IRO would really like to get to know you so please get in touch, here is some of the team.
You can contribute to the review by going to Mind of My Own
A review meeting is about you and how you are getting on.
“Me and My Review Pack is your workbook. It will help you plan your review. It lets you say what you would like to happen while you are in care.”
You can say who you’d like to be there at your review
Some examples might be: Teacher, Advocate, Foster Carer, Grandparent, Mum, Dad or Reviewing officer. Have a think who you would like at your review, you can even say if there is anyone you don’t want to be there.
“Super tiger says your foster carer, social worker and reviewing officer has to be there at your review."
Where would you like your review to be?
You can have it where you live now, your school, or even give your own idea of where you’d like it.
What time of day is best for you?
Think if you would like to have your review before school, after school or even after your tea.
What day of the week is best for you?
You can pick which day of the week you would like to have your review on and tick it in your review pack. You can pick between Monday to Friday.
Fill in your views for your review...
Super Tiger shows you here when your review will be.
So far, you will have agreed a date, time and place for your review, with your foster carer and social worker.
Your Review Pack has lots of questions about you and your feelings, things you do, things you like and don’t like so much. Fill them in with Super Tiger giving tips along the way, there’s even colouring!
You will have to give your review a score out of 10! (1 would be very poor, 10 would be perfect).
You will be asked some questions:
Did your review talk about good things about you?
Do you understand what has been decided at your review?
How could it be made better next time?
You will then have completed your review workbook. Well done!