My name is Lindsy Willis and here some pics of your Fostering Supervising Social Workers

It’s our job to make sure we recruit, train and support foster carers to do the very best job they can at providing a happy home for you - whether it be for a short time or on a more long-term basis.
I’d like know about your experience of being in foster care in Wakefield. What, from your point of view is life really like in your foster placement.
This will help us learn and make changes for the better!
We are always looking for better ways to do things such as how we run foster care services. We can also look at ways to tackle barriers before a placement becomes unsettled. We will help and listen in any way we can.
I’d love to hear what you think!
Contact me, Lindsy, with any feedback, questions or concern at
Or get on Mind of My Own One App and send your participation workers a message. They’ll make sure I get it the next working day.