Who we are, what we do, how to contact us

Elaine Armstrong smiling
Elaine Armstrong - Voice and Influence of the Child Coordinator

"It is my job, to make sure what children and young people have a say, about the decision made about them and the support they get. I make sure their voice is heard and is used to help make living and growing up in Wakefield better." 

Contact: Mobile 07920751202         

Richard Stanley smiling
Richard - Participation Worker for Children in Care and Care Leavers

 I support children in care and care leavers to make sure that their their wishes are heard and understood by local decision makers.  I run  forest skills, arts and sports activities where you can meet other young people in care and talk about things that are important to you.

Contact: Mobile 07920503473         


Jane Russell– Voice and Participation Practitioner

‘My role is to make sure that young people in Wakefield have a say and voice in decisions that are made that affect young people. To ensure that Youth Voice is embedded in the work we undertake in Wakefield wherever possible and to ensure the best possible outcomes for them.’

Contact: Mobile 07825262266      
Email: janerussell