Wakefield Virtual School is a ‘virtual’ school as it does not exist as a building and children do not 'attend'
If you are in care, then we work with school, your carer, your social worker and other professionals to ensure you are given the best opportunities to engage, progress and achieve your full potential in education.
When you first come into care, we will try to keep you at your current school wherever possible, until your care plan is long term so that you can maintain your friendship groups and have the support of your teachers who will know you well. If your long term plan involves a school move, we will work with your social worker to identify a good school nearby that will meet your needs and allow you to make friends in the local area.
We will ensure you have a high quality Personal Education Plan (PEP) in place. These will be organised by your social worker and completed every term in your school with teachers, carers and social worker. At this meeting there will be a discussion around your progress, your targets and ambitions for the future. It will also give everyone the opportunity to identify any gaps in learning and for the right support to be put in place. You will be able to communicate your own voice ahead of the meeting, or you can attend the meeting. If you are new into care, a PEP will be put in place within 10 working days to get you the right support early.
The Virtual School also has a responsibility for previously looked-after children and those in kinship arrangements. It is not the same as that for children currently in care. We are not able to directly support each child. We are asked to give advice and guidance to the adults looking after those children, if they ask us for that. If the adults need more than a conversation, then we can refer them on to other services who are able to directly support. We also offer training to your schools and social workers in order for them to follow the same guidance too.
Link to local offer http://wakefield.mylocaloffer.org/Home
If you would like any further information on the Virtual School please get in touch with us.
Jackie Roper Virtual School Head
Hello, I am the Virtual School Head for Wakefield and it is me and my team’s role to oversee your education and make sure that the right things are in place so that you can achieve as well as possible. It may be that you never see any of us, but you can be sure that we are in constant contact with your school, and your social worker to make sure they support you.
If you have any issues, speak to your school, social worker or your IRO and they will come to us to try to find a solution.
Best wishes to you all,
Jackie Roper